วันพุธที่ 4 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555

Characteristics of Depreciation, Basic Factors of Determination of Depreciation

Characteristics of Depreciation

Depreciation has the following characteristics:

(1) Depreciation is charged in case of fixed assets only, e.g., Building, Plant and Machinery, Furniture 'etc. There is no question of depreciation in case of current assets-such as Stock, Debtors, Bills Receivable etc.

(2) Depreciation causes perpetual, gradual and continuous fall in the value of asset

(3) Depreciation occurs till the last day of the estimated working life of asset

(4) Depreciation occurs on account of use of asset In certain cases, however, depreciation may occur even if the assets are not used, e.g., Leasehold Property, Patent right, Copyright etc.

(5) Depreciation is a charge against revenue of an accounting period.

(6) Depreciation does not depend on fluctuations in market value of asset

(7) The amount of depreciation of an accounting year cannot be determined precisely-it has to be estimated. In certain cases, however, it may be ascertained exactly, e.g., Leasehold Property, Patent Right, Copyright etc.

(8) Total depreciation of an asset cannot exceed its depreciable value (cost less scrap value).

Basic factors of determination of depreciation

(1) original cost of fixed asset i.e., purchase price plus freight and installation expenses;

(2) estimated amount of expenditure on repairs during the useful life;

(3) estimated useful life of asset after which it will be discarded;

(4) estimated residual or scrap value;

(5) interest on investment-the amount invested on purchase of asset, if it had been invested in some other investment what interest would have been earned;

(6) possibility of obsolescence.

Fixed Installment or Original Cost or Straight Line Method, reducing/Diminishing Balance method

Under this method depreciation is not calculated on cost of asset. It is computed on the book value. of asset. The book value of the asset is obtained by deducting depreciation from its cost. The book value of asset gradually reduces on account of depreciation charge. Since the depreciation percent rate is applied on reducing balance of asset. this method is called reducing balance or diminishing installment method or written down value method.

Merits and demerits.

Declining balance method not only equitably matches depreciation expenses against the related revenue but also fairly spreads. the incidence of depreciation and repairs (viz higher depreciation but heavier repairs in later years.) on profit and loss account over the assets life span. Elimination of major portion of cost in early years also minimizes the impact of obsolescence. It is equally useful to management as accelerated depreciation means smaller taxable profits and taxes hence lesser outflow of cash.

Accelerated Depreciation Methods

Sum-of-the year's digits (SYD). This method of depreciation accelerates depreciation expenses so that the amount recognized in the earlier periods of an asset's useful life are greater than those recognized in the latter periods. The SYD is found by estimating an asset's useful life in years, then assigning consecutive numbers to each year, and totaling these numbers. For n years,
SYD = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... +n

Annuity Method

The method recognizes the time value (Interest) of money and hence regards the real cost of using a long-lived asset equivalent to the actual amount invested thereon plus the interest lost on the acquisition of asset. Under this method, so much depreciation is written off each year as after debiting the asset account with interest upon the diminishing value, will reduce the asset to nil at the end of its life. Thus, the amount written off as depreciation is the same every year, but the interest will diminish each year.

The amount of annual depreciation to be written off by Annuity method will be ascertained from Annuity Tables

Depreciation Fund method or Sinking Fund method

Under this method, a fixed amount is charged as depreciation every year. It endeavors to provide the required lump sum cash at the retirement of a long, lived asset by annually setting aside and investing a fixed sum in readily realizable securities. These securities earn interest at fixed rate and the same being reinvested along with successive fixed installments of depreciation, allowed to accumulate at compound interest. The sinking fund method thus takes into account of this probable income from interest while fixing the annual depreciation and investing the same which together with compound interest accumulated to the asset's depreciable cost by the end of its useful life. Obviously, the fixed installment of annual depreciation is here smaller as compared to straight line method. Its magnitude, however, rests on the asset's life span and interest rate. Longer the span and higher the rate, smaller is the annual depreciation per rupee of depreciable cost.

Shortcomings of Depreciation Fund Method

Depreciation fund method assumes constant rate of return on every periodic investment in identical securities. This is hardly true in this dynamic world where rates do vary now and then. Any variation in the rate of return upsets the earlier periodic allocation for depreciation and entails refection thereof. Further the amount realized on the sale of security rarely agrees with its acquisition cost owing to made fluctuations which may be both erratic and considerable. Those may cause a wide gap between the required and supplied cash.

Insurance Policy Method

This method endeavors the supply of required cash at the retirement of a specified asset in return of periodic contribution (premium). Under this a trader takes a 'Capital Redemption Insurance Policy' from an insurance company which undertakes to pay at a given date a certain sum if the trader, paying a fixed number of premiums after regular intervals. The trader treats the periodic payment as depreciation and charges it to profit and loss account. In this case, depreciation is charged at the end of the year, whereas, the premium is paid at the beginning of the year. At maturity, the insurance company pays the policy money which is normally sufficient to replace the retired set. Normally, amount received is more than total premium paid as the policy yields interest.

Revaluation Method

Under the system, each year the asset is valued and the value is compared with that in the beginning of the year. The fall is treated as depreciation. Suppose if the value of the tools at the beginning of the year was Rs. 8,000, during the year tools worth Rs. 6,000 were purchased and at the end of the year, on valuation these amounted to Rs. 11,000. The amount of depreciation for the year will be : 8,000 + 6,000-11,000 = Rs. 3,000 . This method is useful for charging depreciation on livestock and loose tools.

Depletion Method

Natural resources include physical assets like mineral deposits, oil and gas resources and timber stands. These natural resources get exhausted by exploitation. In some cases, the reduction in physical deposits is offset by growth or development of additional deposits.

The cost of natural resources is the price paid for its acquisition plus price paid for development of such asset in order to bring it to a state suitable for production.

The periodic depletion is better not calculated in terms of year. Rather it is better to calculate the cost per unit and then multiply the cost of unit to units produced in that particular year.

Machine Hour Rate

Under this method, the total number of working hours of a machine during the whole of its effective life is estimated, and then the cost of machine is divided by the expected number of hours of useful life, this gives the rate per hour. The annual depreciation is calculatedly multiplying this rate by the number of hours, the machine actually runs in a year.

Mileage Method

This method is used only for those assets whose useful life depends upon the fact that how many kilometers they have been driven e.g. buses, cars, trucks and rolling stock etc.

Global Method

Under this method, the value of the assets, irrespective of their nature is added together and depreciation is charged at an average rate on aggregated value.

Choice of a Method

Aforesaid methods of depreciation reveal that none is absolutely best or worst as each method has its own merits and demerits. Suitability of every method is relative and depends upon various factors. Most important of these are the type of the asset and purpose of depreciation.
Straight line method suits to buildings and lease etc.. reducing installment method fits to machinery equipment etc. and depletion method for wasting assets like mines. quarries etc. However, the underlying purpose is the basic determinants of the propriety of a depreciation method. Important purpose comprise of true reporting of accounts, tax benefits, comparative product cost, financial flexibility, replacement and expansion etc. For example. depreciation fund method envisages that the amount set aside for depreciation is to be invested outside the business in specific securities. Similarly under insurance policy method, the amount so set aside is handed over to insurance company. If a business is having working capital problems the advisability of these methods is questionable.

Of the above-mentioned methods (1) Fixed Installment and (2) Reducing Installment methods are most widely used.

Distinction between Fixed Installment Method and Reducing Installment Method

Fixed Installment Method

1. The rate and amount of depreciation remain the same each year.

2. Depreciation rate per cent is calculated on cost of asset each year.

3. At the end of its life the value of asset is reduced to zero or scrap value.

4. The older the asset, the larger the cost of its repairs. But the amount of depreciation remains the same each year. Hence, the total of depreciation and repairs increases every year. This reduces annual profit gradually.

5. Computation of depreciation comparatively easy and simple.

Reducing Installment Method

1. The rate remains the same, but the amount of depreciation diminishes gradually.

2. Depreciation rate percent is calculated on book value of asset.

3. The value of asset is never reduced to zero at the end of its life.

4. The amount of depreciation decreases gradually, while the cost of repairs increases.
So the total of depreciation and repairs remains more or less the same each "year. Hence, it causes little or no change in annual profit/loss.

5. Depreciation can be computed without any difficulty, but it is not so easy and simple.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555

Module 10 Lecture - 6 Walls : Defects and Durability

Lecture Series on Building Materials and Construction by Dr. B. Bhattacharjee, Department of Civil Engineering,IIT Delhi. For more details on NPTEL visit nptel.iitm.ac.in

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Pill Camera Records Video of the Inside of Your Intestinal Tract

Wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) is a relatively new and under utilized technology. It is under utilized due to limited insurance coverage for the test. Many people have heard about the so-called "camera pill" but do not know when it can or should be done, or how it works. Many mistakenly believe that it might be a substitute for colonoscopy, a flexible lighted tube with a camera on the tip used to examine the large intestine. Colonoscopy is recommended to screen for colon cancer and the precursor of colon cancer, colon polyps, as well as a diagnostic exam for evaluation of intestinal bleeding, diarrhea or lower abdominal pain. WCE is not yet technically feasible for examination of the lower or large intestine known as the colon. Given Imaging was the first to develop this technology.

WCE is however the only way to directly visualize the much longer and smaller diameter of the small intestine.Typical reasons for wanting to see the small intestine include unexplained intestinal bleeding, anemia (low blood count), suspected Crohn's disease, tumors, or known polyp syndromes. Of the approximately 24 feet of small intestine a person has, only the upper 1 1/2 to 3 feet can typically be reached and seen by a scope from the mouth and only the last few inches to a foot can be seen at the time of a colonoscopy exam through the rectum. It has long been thought and taught that very few serious diseases occurred in the small intestine (cancers or inflammation like Crohn's or Celiac disease) that could not be diagnosed by upper or lower endoscopy or small intestine barium x-rays. Since WCE has begun to be used more frequently, more disease has been found than was previously thought to occur.

Celiac disease is a condition that affects the small intestine that can be associated with anemia, blood loss, lymphoma and cancer of the small intestine. Typically, upper scope exams make the diagnosis but people with poor response to gluten free diet or other warning signs such as weight loss, refractory anemia, blood loss or abdominal pain in whom WCE has not been performed may harbor other serious small intestine problems including lymphoma and cancer.

Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract that does not yet have a cure and is of unknown cause. It invariably involves the small intestine and often only involves the small intestine. Sometimes, the diagnosis cannot be made with conventional colonoscopy and/or intestinal x-rays. The extent of small intestine involvement is also commonly not accurately determined by x-rays. WCE is emerging as the diagnostic test of choice for Crohn's disease, especially when combined with specific blood tests and a colonoscopy.

The capsule endoscopy procedure requires little preparation. Most doctors request the patient fast overnight before coming into the clinic early in the morning. The patient has some electrical recording wires attached to the skin of the abdomen that record the location of the capsule as it passes through the digestive tract. This helps the doctor reading the video recording with interpreting where the pill camera is and if it is being delayed in an area. A video recording device is worn on a belt and wirelessly receives the video recording from the pill camera as it travels through the intestine.

The pill camera is activated by popping it out of a magnetized blister pack. It is swallowed with a glass of water. The patient is typically asked not to drink anything except water for 2 hours so that the camera pill has time to exit the stomach before being exposed to food or drink that could impair the video recording. Usually, a light lunch is allowed after four hours. At the end of the day the patient returns to the office to turn in the recorder so that the video can be downloaded to a computer for viewing by the doctor.

Once activated, the small intestine pill camera battery lasts eight hours. Since the transit time from mouth to the end of the small intestine in most people is around 2-6 hours, this is more than adequate for the entire small intestine to be video recorded. However, some people have delayed emptying of their stomach, slow intestinal transit or areas of blockage or constriction that prevent the pill camera from reaching the end of the small intestine before the battery dies. When that happens no further recordings are transmitted. If the camera pill gets stuck, surgery may be required to remove it from the body. However, if this occurs, it is usually because a condition exists in the small intestine for which surgery is the treatment of choice.

Recently, a pill camera that has the ability to record video images from both ends and more rapidly, has been approved by the FDA and marketed as an alternative to standard upper endoscopy for examination of the esophagus. It is being marketed as a very quick, painless, and accurate method of screening for acid reflux, pre-cancer and cancer of the esophagus as well as varices of the esophagus. Varices are varicose type veins occurring in the esophagus of people with cirrhosis of the liver that if not treated with medication and/or rubber band ligation can bleed spontaneously and be life threatening. Insurance coverage for such examination is limited. Others limitations include the ability to only visualize the esophagus, leaving the stomach and upper small intestine unexamined in detail, and the inability to perform biopsies of abnormal appearing tissue. However, the ease and rapidity of the test appeals to people and will likely drive the popularity forward as long as insurance companies agree to cover the test.

WCE is being tested for examination of the colon but the larger diameter of the colon, presence of stool, and longer transit time are all technical limitations that have delayed the development. Several researchers, including a team at MIT, are working on a remote controlled pill camera with the ability to sample tissues and deliver treatments. One investigator is trying to create a pill camera that reproduces the movements of a beetle, effectively crawling through the intestinal tract, stopping and backing up under robotic remote control. The future looks promising and resembles The Fantastic Voyage through the human body. Until then, WCE is very helpful and appropriate for the evaluation of certain gastrointestinal conditions and the signs and symptoms as described above.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 24 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

CATIA V6 | Mechanical Engineering & Design | Engraved 3D Texts

Make your words visible with an engraved or embossed packaging of your product. During detailed design, 3D text can be used to define accurately any kind of text that will be embossed or engraved in your product. Customize your text using creative fonts, original alignments and orientations, or circular shapes. This release eliminates the need for text outlines to be imported, resulting in time savings. Please visit our Web pages for more information: www.3ds.com CATIA V6 | Mechanical Engineering & Design | Engraved 3D Texts

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วันพุธที่ 21 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Lecture - 27 Flow of baptize through soils - VIII

Lecture Series on Soil Mechanics by Prof.BVS Viswanadham , Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay. For more details on NPTEL visit nptel.iitm.ac.in.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 17 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Lecture - 4 Remote Sensing in Engineering Geology

Lecture Series on Engineering Geology by Prof.Debasis Roy, Department of Civil Engineering,IITKharagpur.For more Courses visit nptel.iitm.ac.in

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วันศุกร์ที่ 16 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Iridium Tower

READ IT ALL IF YOU CAN (I know, its long) Arctic Zero Proprietorship has now become Moiunda Engineering; partly because Arctic Zero is already a company (Google'd it). Now let me get started about Iridium Tower... The name comes from the composite it's made out of (a mixture of Iridium and plain ol' steel). It was also named after one of my characters named "Iridium." Perhaps I'll create her on SketchUp and import her sometime soon. The height? If you want to get exact, it's 3123ft tall, tallest structure I've made (and probably the tallest I'll ever do, because you can't get the camera to go above 3200ft). Let's put this into perspective, the Burj Khalifa (which is where I got the inspiration for the design) is about 2717ft with 160 habitable floors, and will hold about 35000 people. Iridium Tower, being 3123ft, AND having many more habitable floors (I'll say about 200, because there is not a lot of service floors), will hold about 45000 residents/workers (yes, my tower is mixed use just like the Burj). With such a large number of people, there will be a demand for large amounts of power, so there is a nuclear reactor about 300ft below the 1st floor, capable of producing almost 1 gigawatt (GW) per hour, more than enough for everyone in the building, so the excess electricity is used in electrolysis to produce hydrogen for energy storage, with the full hydrogen cylinders allowing the tower to generate more revenue from foreign buyers (anyone that doesn't live in the tower ...

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วันพุธที่ 14 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Foundations of Engineering- Industrial Engineering

Video for Foundations of Engineering. Topic was Department of Industrial and Management Systems. Inserted video clips courtesy of "How It's Made" Copyright © 2009 Discovery Communications, LLC

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Accountant Job Description

An accountant's job entails working to ensure that business firms and individuals are keeping good records and paying taxes properly and on time. Though the accountant job description for some accounting positions may be simple, other accountant job descriptions are not quite as clear because of the number of duties that are required.

In general, an accountant performs vital functions to businesses, as well as individuals, of all types by offering a very wide array of business and accounting services, including public, management and government accounting, as well as internal auditing. These four major fields of accounting, and in addition to having a minimum of a bachelor's degree, each has a separate accountant job description.

1. Public Accountant

A public accountant job description can be summed up in what most people envision as "typical" accountant's work. It involves performing a broad range of accounting, auditing, tax, and consulting activities for their clients, which may be corporations, governments, nonprofit organizations, and individuals. Specialties in public accounting are often chosen. For example, a public accountant may choose to concentrate on tax matters, such as advising companies about the tax advantages and disadvantages of certain business decisions and preparing individual income tax returns. Other public accountants may choose areas such as compensation or employee health care benefits, or may design accounting and data processing systems. Still other public accountants may choose to specialize in auditing financial statements and inform investors and authorities that statements have been correctly prepared and reported. Public accounts are usually Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), and generally own their own businesses or work for public accounting firms.

2. Management Accountant

Another accountant job description is that of a management accountant. Also called a cost, managerial, industrial, corporate, or private account, management accountants record and analyze the financial information of the companies for which they work. The management accountant job description includes a detailed listing of responsibilities, such as budgeting, performance evaluation, cost management, and asset management. Management accountants are often a part of executive teams involved in strategic planning or the development of new products, where they analyze and interpret financial information that corporate executives need in order to make sound business decisions. They also prepare financial reports for other groups, including stock holders, creditors, regulatory agencies, and tax authorities. Management accountants are usually a part of an accounting department, employed a large company, and may work in many areas that may include financial analysis, planning, budgeting, and cost accounting.

3. Government Accountant

A government accountant works in the public sector, maintaining and examining the records of government agencies and auditing private businesses and individuals whose activities are subject to government regulation and/or taxation. This accountant job description, while detailed, is much more specialized. Government accountants are employed by Federal, State, or local governments, and work to guarantee that revenues are received and expenditures are made in accordance with laws and regulations. Those employed by the Federal government may work as Internal Revenue Services agents or in financial management, financial institution examination, or budget analysis and administration.

4. Internal Auditor Accountant

The accountant job description of an internal auditor can basically be summarized by the job title. Internal auditors verify the accuracy of their organization's internal records, and check for mismanagement, waste, or fraud. It is an increasingly important area of accounting, because internal auditors examine and evaluate their firms' financial and information systems, management procedures, and internal controls to ensure that records are accurate and controls are adequate to protect against fraud and waste. They also review company operations, evaluating their efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance with corporate policies and procedures, laws, and government regulations. The accountant job description of an internal auditor can vary with different companies, and may include job duties such as electronic data processing, environmental auditing, engineering, legal auditing, insurance reviews, banking, and health care auditing.

Accountants in all four areas can work for a company, or can be employed by an accounting firm, which would in turn be hired by a company for consulting. An accountant can also be self-employed, and provide accounting services to individuals, businesses, or both.

Most accounting jobs include an accountant job description that requires a bachelor's degree, at minimum, in accounting or a related field, and some accountant job descriptions might include the requirement of a master's degree or Certified Public Account (CPA) certification, obtained through a four-part, Uniform CPA Explanation prepared by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). While the two-day CPA examination is rigorous, and only about 25 percent of those taking the exam pass every part they attempt, CPA certification can greatly assist in the rate of pay received, and in most states, the examination can be taken in two parts, which may assist in preparing for and passing the exam.

According to the United States Department of Labor, employment of accountants and auditors is expected to grow at a faster than average rate, for all accounting occupations from all accountant job descriptions mentioned, through the year 2014. This is due to an increase in the number of businesses nationwide, changing financial laws and regulations, and increased scrutiny of company finances. In addition to these reasons for new accounting jobs opening up, there will also be a need to replace accountants and auditors who will retire or transfer to other occupations.

The field is also becoming more specialized due to technology and new, accurate accounting and auditing software experience becoming a crucial addition to an accountant job description. An accountant job description may include, in addition to educational and technological requirements, strong interpersonal and communication skills, simply due to the fact that most accountants work on teams with others from different backgrounds, and will need the ability to communicate accounting and financial information clearly and concisely.

Regardless of one's qualifications, competition in the accounting field will remain strong for the most prestigious jobs, as well as for obtaining clients for those accountants that are self-employed.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 12 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Main Stream Media in abnegation shock over 2008 Global IEA Peak Oil report.

A Taskforce on Peak Oil and Energy Security warns that supplies of cheap, easily accessible oil will start to diminish by 2013. The Taskforce group, which includes Virgin, Yahoo, Solarcentury and transport operator Stagecoach, wants the Government to dramatically increase investment in clean energy and renewables to avoid an energy crisis. The IEA figures to 2030 are based on the assumption, that governments invest in clean energy and renewables while using coal for liquid fuels, transferring additional transportation fuels to natural gas and fully develop African oil production before a 2015 deadline. The efficiency of used energy must also be drastically improved during the ongoing decline. Furthermore: In most cases, basic Victorian engineering skills, adapted in modern industries could improve efficiency by 60-80% as scientist have pointed out in the past. The illusion of unlimited and cheap energy has caused modern engineering to lose these basic skills while planning new projects and industry complexes. Most industrial energy is wasted on pumping liquids & gases by brute force rather than good engineering. (I will cut a short video together on that subject) www.iea.org http Key Graphs: www.worldenergyoutlook.org Fact sheets: www.worldenergyoutlook.org

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Lec-6 Kinematics of Fluid Flow

Lecture Series on Fluid Mechanics by Prof. TIEldho Dept. of Civil Engineering IIT Bombay. For more details on NPTEL visit nptel.iitm.ac.in

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วันเสาร์ที่ 10 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Evacuated Tube Transportation Technology - ET3 (Extended Version)

Discuss this video in detail at AlienScientist Forums: www.alienscientist.com This video discusses the step from Type 0 to Type 1 Civilization and the ET3. This is an extension of the original video that ads TWO and Half minutes of content to the ET3 video. The other material concerning the Orwell society will be reworked as its own video in order to better explain a wider perspective of the big picture. DISCLAIMER: The views of AlienScientist do not neccesarily represent the views of ET3. I knew about ETT way before I realized the seriousness of humanity's current situation I think its important to show your support for the movements out there, but don't tie yourself down to any one thing. Be YOUR OWN movement, Do YOUR OWN research, and don't just rely on what anyone (including me) says. If you think ETT is a great idea, I recommend becoming a licensee and begin joining the effort to get the idea out into the mainstream. I am a supporter of a highly efficient, high speed, global transportation system because I have seen what it has done for cities and commerce in London and New York City who's subway systems transport millions daily. I've seen what the Interstate Highway System and the Trans-Continental Railroad have done for the USA London Underground: www.youtube.com Trans-Continental Railroad (Modern Marvels): www.youtube.com Engineers have already proven they can do the "impossible" (as long as the science of what they are trying to do isn't flawed) The Science of ...

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Control Systems Engineering - Lecture 5 - Block Diagrams

Lecture 5 for Control Systems Engineering (UFMEUY-20-3) and Industrial Control (UFMF6W-20-2) at UWE Bristol. This lecture covers block diagrams used to represent control systems, methods of manipulation of block diagrams (including an Example) as well as covering steady state errors and their determination.

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Tips to Pass CBEST Test: Score High In Math!

You should know by now that the California Basic Educational Skill Test or the CBEST test requires you to pass three subjects: Math, Reading, and Writing.

By saying that, you must've remembered your battles with Math in high school. Lucky for math-lovers, this part of the test would surely be a bonus for you.

BUT, is your dream succeeding at the CBEST Test threatened by your old enemy-high school algebra?

Score high in the CBEST Math by posting these 3 SIMPLE STEPS for your CBEST test prep review.

Step 1: CBEST Test Math Basics

Unlike reading others subjects, studying math requires a kick-off in studying the concepts. You Need to practice on CBEST sample tests over and over until you master every principle.

Here are some do's and don'ts on how to master Math basics for your CBEST test:

1. Don't jump on the next principle or formula until you're confident that you've understood it.
2. Don't disregard the most basic terminologies and principles.
3. Use this knowledge during your CBEST test.

Armed with your basic knowledge, you can effectively eliminate wrong answers on some questions. You'll narrow down your choices and increase your chances of getting the correct answer.

Step 2: Focus On What You Don't Know

Math is just one subject. But, still, you might not know where to start. Nailing your CBEST score in Math is easy with good CBEST test preparation.

1.  Assess yourself and answer CBEST practice tests.
2.  Examine every test item to know your strengths and weaknesses.
3.  Write down all keywords regarding the topics you found most difficult
4.  Check your old books so you can have a full length review on the listed topics.
5.  From the topics you singled out, you can then work your way on to other less difficult topics in math.
6. Finally, answer more CBEST practice test

Step 3: Memorize To Be Accurate

Math is all about accuracy. One mistake in your formula can give a whole different answer. And this could definitely cost you points. Memorize the formulas, the measurements, ratios and percentages, conversion of units and basic geometric theories and principles. Even when problems are presented differently, you'll still know what formula to use. Your accuracy in solving the problem would definitely save you time and gives you that must needed confidence!

How do I pass the CBEST test? Simple, DON'T REPEAT the mistakes of others. Plan, review, practice and get the BEST CBEST study guides. Pass the California Basic Educational Skills test in a single shot and ENJOY the job you've always dreamed of!

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วันอังคารที่ 6 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

วันจันทร์ที่ 5 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Graduation array of 126 GD (P), 70 Engineering & added courses at PAF Academy Risalpur

April 28th, 2011: Chief of the Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman said that Pakistani armed forces were fully aware of prevailing situation and ready to meet any challenge. Today, "We live in uncertain circumstance when nation faces many internal and external threats. In recent military operations against militants and criminals have undoubtedly proved that military in Pakistan has the capability and the will to fulfil its obligations", he said. The Air Chief said this while addressing the passing out parade of graduating and commissioning cadets and graduates from Flying, Aeronautical Engineering, air defence and general services at Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Academy Risalpur on Thursday. He said, "By the grace of Almighty Allah, Pakistan Air Force has inducted state-of-the-art weapon systems and its modernization drive is on track." "We do not want to accumulate huge inventory of weapons, our endeavour is to develop capabilities that are required to deter and defeat all internal and external threats and challenges that the nation confronts today, and in the foreseeable in future. The Air Chief Rao Qamar Suleman congratulated to the graduating cadets and their parents on successful completion of their training at PAF Academy Risalpur and extended special compliments to the awards and trophy winners. Latter the Air Chief awarded the distinctive trophies to the winners. Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC) Trophy for being Best in Flying Training was ...

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

theory of columns -1.mpg

this video is the part one of the series of lecture on the position the load has to be placed within a specified eccentricity on the principal axis so that no tensile stresses are induced in the cross section of the strut.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 2 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Engineering Win - Black Ops - "Kirilian" Headquarters on Havana - 02/08/11

www.youtube.com Click here to watch the previous episode of Engineering Win! Engineering Win - Black Ops - "Kirilian" Headquarters on Havana 02/08/11 (S04E04) Player - Kirilian Gametype - HQ Map - Havana Hutch's Channel - www.youtube.com Hutch's Twitter - www.twitter.com Dunkus' Channel - www.youtube.com Woody's Channel - www.youtube.com SK's Channel - www.youtube.com Sam's Channel - www.youtube.com Hastr0's Channel - www.youtube.com Music By Approaching Nirvana - www.youtube.com Click the following for another video from: Sam5000 - www.youtube.com Hastr0 - www.youtube.com Woodysgamertag - www.youtube.com Dunkus - www.youtube.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Watch this Machinima Respawn video to learn: How to win a headquarters match How to play the map Havana How to get better at Call of Duty Black Ops How to get advice from high level gamers in the online gaming community How to defeat the enemy and play the objective in Call of Duty - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima twitter.com Inside Gaming twitter.com Machinima Respawn twitter.com Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture twitter.com FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: www.youtube.com Tags: yt:quality=high "Call of ...

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Build Your Own Homemade Gold Sluice Box

Have you ever thought of going prospecting for gold? Using a sluice box may help you find more of that beautiful yellow stuff. Here how you can plan and build your own gold sluice box. These do it your self projects are popular with lots of folks, and fun to think about even if you just end up buying a store bought product. Here are some thoughts on how to build your own do It Yourself, hand fed Gold Sluice Box - I think it's a great project for beginners. A wooden sluice like this was the first piece of prospecting equipment I ever built.

A sluice box lined with riffles is one of the oldest forms of gravity separation devices still being used today. They are simple and have been in use all across the world for thousands of years. A sluice is really nothing more than an artificial channel lined with devices to catch gold through which water flows, moving the lighter materials such as clay, sands and gravels out of the sluice. They heavier materials remain behind, trapped by the riffles. For many years, most sluice boxes were home made affairs designed and built in the gold prospector himself. To this day, in the gold bearing regions of third world countries, prospectors design and build sluice boxes out the most unusual items - sometimes whatever materials are available locally. You don't really need any special sluice box plans - the exact size is really not all that critical.

Making your own gold sluice is actually a very good beginning project for new prospectors in my opinion. Just take a close look at the sluices being offered by the manufacturers, and that will show you how to build your own sluice box. It won't be difficult to get some ideas to make your own plans. Sluice boxes can be made out of wood, aluminum, plastic or steel. Injection molded plastic is not really an option easily available to the do-it-yourself prospector, and steel has a tendency to rust, so wood and aluminum are the preferred options.

In developing plans for a homemade sluice box, the more time you spend thinking about your design, the better. You don't want to have to buy parts you don't need, but on the other hand your slice box needs to work and catch the gold efficiently. A good plan and a good understanding of how a sluice box traps gold are important to your design. I think using miners moss underneath your riffles is a real important item for capturing that fine gold. That is why miners moss is used in the sluices of nearly all commercial suction gold dredges. Having a liner underneath the riffles is an important aid in catching small gold dust, and is very worthwhile. I went with miners moss under all the riffles in my sluice, and I strongly recommend it for you.

The typical wooden homemade sluice is made of boards and varies in width from 8 to 18 inches, usually with a depth of 6 inches to a foot. A typical length would be in the three to 6 foot range. Riffles can be made from half inch square dowel nailed about every 6 inches down the length of the sluice. The section without riffles in the top of the box about a foot long is often left for the spot where material shoveled in. This type of sluice box does catch gold, and is easy to build, but is hard to clean out at the end of the day. In addition, the gravel will beat up the wooden riffles over time. It is also possible to create steel riffles that fit inside a wooden sluice, and in that case you can also use miners Moss or some similar material to line the bottom of the sluice underneath the metal riffles.
Homemade sluices can also be made from lightweight aluminum. Wooden sluices tend to become waterlogged in increased greatly in weight after they have been in the water for time. This gives aluminum quite an advantage and it is certainly preferred in the construction of the homemade sluice. The trough of the sluice, whether aluminum or wood, is usually roughly about the same size.

For those interested in making their own home made hand fed sluice box from aluminum with steel riffles as a do it yourself type of project, I can say if you have any metal fabrication skills, you will find this an easy project. A little welding, a little metal folding and the project is done. If you purchase fairly thin aluminum sheet it will be possible to bend it yourself into the trough shape as a single piece (just don't go too thin). More information and detail can be found on the authors website.

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วันพุธที่ 29 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Lecture 26 | Programming Methodology (Stanford)

Lecture by Professor Mehran Sahami for the Stanford Computer Science Department (CS106A). Professor Sahami lectures non-standard Java and shows the class a few books he recommends for further readings on Java. CS106A is an Introduction to the engineering of computer applications emphasizing modern software engineering principles: object-oriented design, decomposition, encapsulation, abstraction, and testing. Uses the Java programming language. Emphasis is on good programming style and the built-in facilities of the Java language. Complete Playlist for the Course: www.youtube.com CS106A at Stanford Unversity: www.stanford.edu Stanford Center for Professional Development: scpd.stanford.edu Stanford University: www.stanford.edu Stanford University Channel on YouTube www.youtube.com

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วันอังคารที่ 28 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

- Pensado's Place - #20 - Katy Perry, Frank Ocean, and Engineer Andrew Wuepper

In this week's episode of Pensado's Place, Dave and Herb host one of Dave's past assistants, engineer Andrew Wuepper! Andrew has worked with such artists as Katy Perry, Usher, and mixed Frank Ocean's latest hit "Novacane". Dave and Andrew discuss engineering and mixing techniques that Andrew has used on his latest work, and take live viewer questions in "The Corner Office". Andrew dishes on his favorite plug-ins and hardware in "The Batter's Box", and in this week's "Into The Lair", Dave explains some of his compression techniques in the box! See Andrew Wuepper's credits here: albumcredits.com Check out Frank Ocean's blog here: frankocean.tumblr.com

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วันเสาร์ที่ 25 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Lecture 8 | Programming Methodology (Stanford)

Lecture by Professor Mehran Sahami for the Stanford Computer Science Department (CS106A). Professor Sahami reviews what he covered on methods and functions and then goes into more detail. CS106A is an Introduction to the engineering of computer applications emphasizing modern software engineering principles: object-oriented design, decomposition, encapsulation, abstraction, and testing. Uses the Java programming language. Emphasis is on good programming style and the built-in facilities of the Java language. Complete Playlist for the Course: www.youtube.com CS106A at Stanford Unversity: www.stanford.edu Stanford Center for Professional Development: scpd.stanford.edu Stanford University: www.stanford.edu Stanford University Channel on YouTube www.youtube.com

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วันศุกร์ที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Lecture - 27 Stresses in Beams - II

Lecture Series on Strength of Materials by Prof.SK Bhattacharya, Department of Civil Engineering,IITKharagpur.For more Courses visit nptel.iitm.ac.in

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

วันจันทร์ที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Tanya Roberts Outrageous Love & Friendship Sam Botta-Live Fearless-Chris Shining,Executive Producer

Her husband of 25 years had died from illness, she was there for him and has overcome the grief and built a new life. Sam Botta: I asked you the secret of lifetime love (two years before)... And you said your man at the time adores you... Tanya Roberts: My man died 18 months ago after 25 years of a beautiful marriage, I grew up with him, and he did adore me, I adored him, and that's what happens, I'm lucky to have had 25 years of outrageous love and friendship. SB: How did you get through the pain? TR: If I didn't pull myself together I wouldn't have been able to keep him alive and take care of him, that's what you do. It's Nothing heroic you just do it. You don't want to see the one you love totally screwed up.. and you manage. I love you. www.imdb.me/livefearless IMDB.COM: www.imdb.com Tanya Roberts came from modest beginnings in the Bronx, New York, the daughter of a pen salesman (Irish) and a mother (Jewish) who were divorced before she reached high school. Tanya dropped out of high school at age 15, got married and hitchhiked around the country until her mother-in-law had the marriage annulled. She met psychology student Barry Roberts in New York while waiting in line to see a movie. A few months later, she proposed to him in a subway station, and they were married. .. Beautiful love story. Secretly hope. Live life with the kind of love that lasts. The memories, the hopes, the dreams. Never forgetting, especially On a sad day when we've lost a life-altering talent ...

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Crude Oil Distillation Process Part 1

An oil refinery or petroleum refinery is an industrial process plant where crude oil is processed and refined into more useful petroleum products, such as gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt base, heating oil, kerosene, and liquefied petroleum gas. Oil refineries are typically large sprawling industrial complexes with extensive piping running throughout, carrying streams of fluids between large chemical processing units. In many ways, oil refineries use much of the technology of, and can be thought of as types of chemical plants. The crude oil feedstock has typically been processed by an oil production plant. There is usually an oil depot (tank farm) at or near an oil refinery for storage of bulk liquid products.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 17 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

วันพุธที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Maa Pasalapudi Kathalu - Maa Pasalapudi Kathalu Episode 3

The multi faceted VAMSY's Maa Pasalapudi Kathalu is a work of native beauty. It deals with the life style of the people of the Godavari Dists about thirty years ago and holds nostalgic memories for those who have forgotten their roots. The stories not only deal with the life of people but very subtly tell us about the political situations, the social responsibility of the Zamindars, the unpolluted and raw beauty of characters. The stories also have historical relevance as Sir Arthur Cotton"s engineering excellence is described in detail along the banks of the river Godavari. Godavari becomes a powerful character in these stories and Vamsy's pen drifts on its boats, sails on its moonlit nights, and runs rough when new waters enter and the locks are opened. The names of characters are all the real names of people who are associated with these stories. Vamsy has immortalized KARRORI SUBBULU, MARNEDI SURRAVU, BIYYAM BHAGYAM, TAMARAPALLI SATYAM and several other characters who will live for ever in our memories. Even the native dishes cooked in those days are described in a mouthwatering way. He succeeds in reminding us of the SWAPNA THEATRE in Kakinada, the VOLGA HOTEL, the SUVEGA SCOOTER, the JAALI FACE POWDER, CYBAL BALM and several other locales and things used in those days. Vamsy's stamp can be seen in the style of narration as a master in visual prose. The picturesque scenario, the green expanse, the blue sky and the rustic village belle are all seen through our mental ...

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วันจันทร์ที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Overcoming Communication Barriers in Organizations

Although all communication is subject to misunderstandings, business communication is particularly difficult. The material is often complex and controversial. Moreover, both the sender and the receiver may face distractions that divert their attention. Further, the opportunities for feedback are often limited, making it difficult to correct misunderstandings. The following communication barriers in organizations and ways to overcome them will be the main topic of this article.

1. Information Overload. Too much information is as bad as too little because it reduces the audiences ability to concentrate effectively on the most important messages. People facing information overload sometimes try to cope by ignoring some of the messages, by delaying responses to messages they deem unimportant, by answering only parts of some messages, by responding inaccurately to certain messages, by taking less time with each message, or by reacting only superficially to all messages.

To overcome information overload, realize that some information is not necessary, and make necessary information easily available. Give information meaning rather than just passing it on, and set priorities for dealing with the information flow. Some information isn't necessary.

2. Message Complexity. When formulating business messages, you communicate both as an individual and as representative of an organization. Thus you must adjust your own ideas and style so that they are acceptable to your employer. In fact, you may be asked occasionally to write or say something that you disagree with personally. Suppose you work as a recruiter for your firm. You've interviewed a job candidate you believe would make an excellent employee, but others in the firm have rejected this applicant. Now you have to write a letter turning down the candidate: You must communicate your firms message, regardless of your personal feelings, a task some communicators find difficult.

To overcome the barriers of complex messages, keep them clear and easy to understand. Use strong organization, guide readers by telling them what to expect, use concrete and specific language, and stick to the point. Be sure to ask for feedback so that you can clarify and improve your message.

3. Message Competition. Communicators are often faced with messages that compete for attention. If you're talking on the phone while scanning a report, both messages are apt to get short shrift. Even your own messages may have to compete with a variety of interruptions: The phone rings every five minutes, people intrude, meetings are called, and crises arise. In short, your messages rarely have the benefit on the receivers undivided attention.

To overcome competition barriers, avoid making demands on a receiver who doesn't have the time to pay careful attention to your message. Make written messages visually appealing and easy to understand, and try to deliver them when your receiver has time to read them. Oral messages are most effective when you can speak directly to your receiver (rather than to intermediaries or answering machines). Also, be sure to set aside enough time for important messages that you receive. Business messages rarely have the benefit of the audiences full and undivided attention.

4. Differing Status. Employees of low status may be overly cautious when sending messages to managers and may talk only about subjects they think the manager is interested in. Similarly, higher-status people may distort messages by refusing to discuss anything that would tend to undermine their authority in the organization. Moreover, belonging to a particular department or being responsible for a particular task can narrow your point of view so that it differs from the attitudes, values, and expectations of people who belong to other departments or who are responsible for other tasks.

To overcome status barriers, keep managers and colleagues well informed. Encourage lower-status employees to keep you informed by being fair-minded and respectful of their opinions. When you have information that you're afraid you boss might not like, be brave and convey it anyway. Status barriers can be overcome by a willingness to give and receive bad news.

5. Lack of Trust, Building trust is a difficult problem. Other organization members don't know whether you'll respond in a supportive or responsible way, so trusting can be risky. Without trust, however, free and open communication is effectively blocked, threatening the organization's stability. Just being clear in your communication is not enough.

To overcome trust barriers, be visible and accessible. Don't insulate yourself behind assistants or secretaries. Share key information with colleagues and employees, communicate honestly, and include employees in decision making. For communication to be successful, organizations must create an atmosphere of fairness and trust.

6. Inadequate Communication Structures. Organizational communication is effected by formal restrictions on who may communicate with whom and who is authorized to make decisions. Designing too few formal channels blocks effective communication. Strongly centralized organizations, especially those with a high degree of formalization, reduce communication capacity, and they decrease the tendency to communicate horizontally thus limiting the ability to coordinate activities and decisions. Tall organizations tend to provide too many vertical communication links, so messages become distorted as they move through the organization's levels.

To overcome structural barriers, offer opportunities for communicating upward, downward, and horizontally (using such techniques as employee surveys, open-door policies, newsletters, memo, and task groups). Try to reduce hierarchical levels, increase coordination between departments, and encourage two-way communication.

7. Incorrect Choice of Medium. If you choose an inappropriate communication medium, your message can be distorted so that the intended meaning is blocked. You can select the most appropriate medium by matching your choice with the nature of the message and of the group or the individual who will receive it. Face-to-face communication is the richest medium because it is personal, it provides immediate feedback, it transmits information from both verbal and nonverbal cues, and it conveys the emotion behind the message. Telephones and other interactive electronic media aren't as rich; although they allow immediate feedback, they don't provide visual nonverbal cues such as facial expressions, eye contact and body movements. Written media can be personalized through addressed memos, letters, and reports, but they lack the immediate feedback and the visual and vocal nonverbal cues that contribute to the meaning of the message. The leanest media are generally impersonal written messages such as bulletins, fliers, and standard reports. Not only do they lack the ability to transmit nonverbal cues and to give feedback, they also eliminate any personal focus.

To overcome media barriers, choose the richest media for no routine, complex message. Use rich media to extend and to humanize your presence throughout the organization, to communicate caring and personal interest to employees, and to gain employee commitment to organizational goals. Use leaner media to communicate simple, routine messages. You can send information such as statistics, facts, figures and conclusions through a note, memo or written report

8. Closed communication climate. Communication climate is influenced by management style, and a directive, authoritarian style blocks the free and open exchange of information that characterizes good communication.

To overcome climate barriers, spend more time listening than issuing orders.

9. Unethical Communication. An organization cannot create illegal or unethical messages and still be credible or successful in the long run. Relationships within and outside the organization depend or trust and fairness.

To overcome ethics barriers, make sure your messages include all the information that ought to be there. Make sure that information is adequate and relevant to the situation. And make sure your message is completely truthful, not deceptive in any way.

10. Inefficient Communication. Producing worthless messages wastes time and resources, and it contributes to the information overload already mentioned.

Reduce the number of messages by thinking twice before sending one. Then speed up the process, first, by preparing messages correctly the first time around and, second, by standardizing format and material when appropriate. Be clear about the writing assignments you accept as well as the ones you assign.

11. Physical distractions. Communication barriers are often physical: bad connections, poor acoustics, illegible copy. Although noise or this sort seems trivial, it can completely block an otherwise effective message. Your receiver might also be distracted by an uncomfortable chair, poor lighting, or some other irritating condition. In some cases, the barrier may be related to the receiver's health. Hearing or visual impairment or even a headache can interfere with reception of a message. These annoyances don't generally block communication entirely, but they may reduce the receiver's concentration.

To overcome physical distractions, try to prepare well written documents which are clear, concise, and comprehensive. When preparing oral presentations try to find a setting which permits audience to see and hear the speaker clearly.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 11 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Lecture 1 Introduction to Water & Waste Water Engineering

Lectures Series on Water & Waste Water Engineering by Prof C.Venkobachar, Prof. Ligy Philip, Prof. BS Murty Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit nptel.iitm.ac.in

Recommend : Civil Engineering

วันจันทร์ที่ 6 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

How To Fill Out A Job Application The Right Way-5 Easy Steps To Success

While it may not seem as important as a resume, most people don't realize that a badly filled out job application can be much more costly than a bad resume. A recruiter will see hundreds of application forms, so any that are filled in badly will stand out for all the wrong reasons. These tips should help you avoid problems like that and show you exactly how to fill out a job application the right way!

Read through the application before you begin filling it in, and follow any instructions to the letter. While most applications will ask for similar information, they will not all do it in the same way, so it's a good idea to make sure you are following the guidance given. If you make a mistake here, the potential employer will likely think "This candidate doesn't know how to fill out a job application correctly, why should I trust them with anything else?" And there go your hopes of getting an interview!

Do a practice run- Photocopy the form and have a practice run at filling it out. This will help you get an idea of how many words you can fit into the boxes etc, and will definitely improve the way the finished article reads.

Be consistent. One of the things that people often overlook when learning how to fill out a job application is the consistency of their data. Make sure the form is filled out with information that matches with your resume. If you "stretched" the dates on your resume because one of your jobs ended prematurely, you will need to make sure your application information covers exactly the same dates. A smart recruiter is well aware of such tricks, and finding you out to be dishonest at this early stage can only be a problem.

Check it. How to fill out a job application 101-Make sure there are no mistakes! Read through it once immediately after you finish it, and then if possible you should leave it a day or two and re-check it. It's much easier to spot mistakes and other errors when the document is not fresh in your mind, and for this reason it's a good idea to give yourself some "edit time" between filling it out and sending it away.

Never volunteer negative information. The object of filling out an application is to get yourself in for an interview, and giving out negative information will only hamper this goal. Try and give all your answers as positive a spin as possible, and leave the lengthy answers for the interview. There are many different schools of thought on how to fill out a job application, but one thing is for sure, it's very hard to use the small space on an application form to explain away any negative information that you have volunteered.

As you've seen, the methods of how to fill out a job application can be every bit as tricky as writing a resume, so just make sure you stick to those guidelines and you should be a winner every time!

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

วันศุกร์ที่ 3 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Mod-3 Lec-1 Concept of Specific Energy

Lecture Series on Hydraulics by Dr.Arup Kumar Sarma, Department of Civil Engineering,IIT Guwahati. For more details on NPTEL visit nptel.iitm.ac.in

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An Engineer's Guide to Dating, by "An Engineering Mind"

www.anengineeringmind.com Engineers are a special breed of people, and therefore careful consideration must me made on their parts throughout the dating process. I'd like to share some hints that I found.

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วันอังคารที่ 31 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

Thomas Sowell on the Housing Boom and Bust

Thomas Sowell discusses how we got into the current economic disaster that developed out of the economics and politics of the housing boom and bust.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 30 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

Mod-4 Lec-1 Materials Management-I

Lecture Series on Industrial Engineering by Prof.Inderdeep Singh , Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, IIT Roorkee. For more details on NPTEL visit nptel.iitm.ac.in

More review : Civil Engineer

วันเสาร์ที่ 28 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

Control Systems Engineering - Lecture 1 - Introduction

Lecture 1 for Control Systems Engineering (UFMEUY-20-3) and Industrial Control (UFMF6W-20-2) at UWE Bristol. This lecture covers introduction to the module, control system basics with some examples, and modelling simple systems with differential equations.

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Lecture - 20 Routing - I

Lecture Series on Data Communication by Prof.A. Pal, Department of Computer Science Engineering,IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEL visit nptel.iitm.ac.in

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วันอังคารที่ 24 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

Minecraft Architecture - E02 - Bridges

Welcome to episode 2 of Minecraft Architecture, on today's video I will talk about bridges. I introduce you couple bridges I have pre-build and I show you how to build the difficult one. I hope you enjoy the video and if so, please subscibe! Website: martenus.weebly.com Donate: martenus.weebly.com Texture pack: Mixcraft HD Realistic Music: World of Warcraft soundtrack, Glitch Mob - Animus Vox Mods used for flying, inta destroy, infinite bars: I use a Zombe's Modpack, www.minecraftforum.net

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วันจันทร์ที่ 23 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

NFPA 13 Occupancies for Sprinkler Design

An assortment of building occupancy examples are classified in Sec. A.5.2 of the NFPA 13 Appendix. The following are noted as light hazard occupancies: offices, churches, schools, museums, auditoriums, library seating areas, restaurant seating areas, and unused attics. The maximum sprinkler spacing (protection area) for these is noted in Table if standard sprinklers are used. Usually, the maximum limit is 225 square feet for light hazard on a hydraulically calculated system. However, when exposed construction is combustible, with structural members spaced less than 3 ft. apart, the maximum coverage limit shrinks to 130 square feet.

Ordinary hazard Group 1 occupancies include laundries, restaurant service areas, and automobile parking garages. Ordinary hazard Group 2 occupancies include the aforementioned dry cleaners, automobile repair and services areas, auditorium stages, woodworking plants, post offices, and stack room areas of libraries. Standard sprinklers protecting all ordinary hazard occupancies shall not cover an excess of 130 square feet per head (Table

Extra hazard occupancy examples include printing plants, paint and varnish dipping operations, plywood manufacturing, solvent cleaning, and plastics processing. Maximum sprinkler spacing for these occupancies is limited to 100 square feet. However, where the required design density is less than 0.25 gpm/sf (and this goes for high-piled storage as well), a protection area of up to 130 square feet per sprinkler is allowable (Table It should be noted that commercial insurance carriers and consultants develop their own literature containing more extensive listings of occupancy examples and classifications than does the NFPA 13 standard, data which often comes in handy when making an occupancy classification determination.

Design Density Criteria

The NFPA 13 Density / Area Curves are found in Fig. When hydraulically calculating a light hazard sprinkler system, the design density utilized is typically 0.10 gpm/sf over a 1500 square foot (the most hydraulically demanding) area of operation. To begin a calculation, the designer starts with the end-sprinkler and works "backwards" to the water supply source. Suppose that the sprinklers are spaced 14 ft. apart on branch-lines that are 12 ft. apart. Our square foot coverage then, is (12 x 14) 168 square feet.

Q (in gpm) is determined by multiplying the density by the square foot coverage (.10 x 168), so we know that we'll need 16.8 gallons per minute (Q) discharging out of the end sprinkler.

The square root of the required end-head pressure is determined by "Q" divided by "K". If the design density is 0.10 and the K-factor of the sprinkler head is 5.5, we can ascertain our end-head pressure by dividing 16.8 by 5.5, and squaring the sum to obtain a 9.33 psi figure. 9.33 psi is the required end-head pressure. To double-check, we can simply plug in the numbers while performing the following equations to ensure that they match: Q= K times the square root of the pressure, K= Q divided by the square root of the pressure, and the design density equals Q divided by the square foot coverage. If our area of operation remains 1500 square feet, our design density will change to 0.15 for Ordinary hazard Group 1 occupancies and 0.20 for Ordinary hazard Group 2 occupancies.

Everything changes when extended-coverage sprinklers are employed. Let's suppose that we decide to extend our coverage to 324 square feet in a light hazard office, spacing sprinklers 18' x 18' apart. Now we must refer to the sprinkler manufacturer's data sheets for direction. If we choose to install Tyco EC-11 pendent sprinklers, the data sheets dictate that our end-sprinkler must discharge a minimum of 33 gpm at 8.7 psi. This means that our design density (Q divided by the square foot coverage) is still 0.10 gpm/sf. The K-factor of this particular sprinkler is 11.2, which we can validate by the equation K= Q divided by the square root of the pressure.

Extended-coverage sprinklers for ordinary hazard occupancies work the same way. For example, we could use the Tyco EC-14 extended-coverage pendent sprinkler (K=14.0) in a (Ordinary hazard group 1) restaurant service area to protect an 18' x 18' area, but here the data sheet parameters require a 49 gpm minimum discharge at 12.3 psi for the end-sprinkler. In other words, Q= 49, K= 14.0, the square root of the pressure is 3.51, and the coverage is 324 square feet. All the equations match, including the required design density (0.15) which is obtained by dividing Q by the 324 sq. feet. Of course, the local water supply must still be able to satisfy the resulting overall sprinkler system demand. In order for that to be accomplished, larger system piping is installed to deliver the additional gpm necessitated by the extended-coverage heads.

Sprinkler discharge characteristics are outlined in cogent form in Table these outline the differing K-factors for sprinkler identification. One other handy table to reference for sprinklers in NFPA 13 is Table, which deals with classifications and temperature ratings.

To be absolutely certain of code compliance with respect to sprinkler elevations, we refer to Sec. in NFPA 13. The allowable distances noted beneath roofs, beams, or ceilings are always measured to the sprinkler deflector. It is acceptable for designers to consult data sheets for appropriate distances below ceilings for specific sprinkler types, although the safe bet is to call for a distance between 1" and 12" beneath the underside of the roof deck. The closer sprinklers are to the ceiling, the faster they will operate. But caution must be exercised because often serious interferences to lateral water distribution can result from very close sprinkler placement to the ceiling. For all instances, the minimum of 1 inch (in the code) is to allow for the installation and removal of upright sprinklers. When sprinklers are installed beneath pitched roofs, the highest sprinkler deflector (Sec. may extend 3 ft. down from the highest peak.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

Princeton apparatus delivers 3D complete from accustomed Laptop speakers

Edgar Choueiri, a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at Princeton University, has developed a way to play true three-dimensional sound recordings over regular loudspeakers, such as those found in televisions and computer laptops. The technique may one day be used to allow 3D televisions to produce lifelike sound and to help people with certain types of hearing impairments locate noises. Segments of the video above incorporate Choueri's 3D filter to demonstrate the phenomenon. The filter is designed to work with loudspeakers - not headphones - and can be experienced through standard computer speakers. (Make sure the right and left speakers are on the correct sides.) Video by Michael E. Wood.

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วันพุธที่ 18 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

What is a Supplier Development Program?

A Supplier development program is actually a procedure by an organization to improve its supplier's capabilities. This program may be interpreted as a company's attempt to replicate or to transfer some of its in-house organizational capability across the company boundaries.

Theoretically automakers in automotive industry may send their own engineers to the shop floor of supplier to solve a problem with a specific component to meet the product reveals date. Or it may be possible that they may provide training courses for employees of supplier in techniques like Value Engineering, Quality Circles and Simultaneous Engineering. They may also ask a supplier with a view to learn and to work on specific production line for extended period to achieve quality improvement, cost reduction etc.

Supplier Assessment is a strategy. It means that a buying firm makes an id-depth evaluation of quality of supplier in cost, delivery, technical and managerial capability. Providing the suppliers with feedback is the most important part of the assessment process so that they know about the buyer expects and also to provide the supplier with directions for improvement.

Within this area, Supplier Incentives are another developing strategy. In this strategy, the focus is to give the supplier extended business if they can attain a certain goal. All these market based incentives are based on a performance of supplier and are designed to make the supplier perform even more good.

The third strategy is Competitive Pressure and applied by buying company to its suppliers when it's using more than one supplier. The goal is to buy from the supplier which is most competitive on the market and their focus is on low prices.

When buying firm directly, direct Involvement activities involves itself in the supplier development effort and important investment by the buying firm through activities like education and training of a personnel supplier.

So, I hope now you understand the strategy of this program.

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